Faculté de médecine 
et des sciences de la santéhttp://www.usherbrooke.ca/medecine


Groupe de recherche du Professeur Richard Leduc    -    Département de Pharmacologie    -    Richard.Leduc@USherbrooke.ca

Internship offer for Winter 2014 (UDS0 31 05)

Pharmacological characterization of 3 SNPs of Neurotensin receptor 1

10 Octobre 2013, par Élie Bessserer-Offroy


Laboratories of Prof. Richard Leduc (Dept. Pharmacology) and Prof. Philippe Sarret (Dept. Physiology)

Institut de Pharmacologie de Sherbrooke

CHUS Fleurimont - Sherbrooke

Description of the internship project:

The Neurotensin receptor 1 (NTS1) is a G Protein-coupled receptor involved in several physiological and pathophysiological effects such as analgesia, hypotension, hypothermia or cancer cells proliferation. In Richard Leduc’s laboratory we have drawn the signaling map of the wild-type NTS1 when activated by Neurotensin. The purpose of this internship is to pharmacologically characterize the three variants (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) of  the NTS1 receptor. To achieve the project the intern will initially study the binding characteristics of the different variants with a radioligand, then the intern will  have to establish the signalization profile of these receptors in order to create a signaling map of these three mutants.

Work environment:

Pharmacology/molecular biology lab., cell culture lab.

The project is directed by Prof. Richard Leduc and the intern will be under the direct supervision of Élie Besserer-Offroy, PhD candidate.


Motivated and well organized student with taste for teamwork and discovering.


Élie Besserer-Offroy, PhD candidate (Elie.Besserer-Offroy@USherbrooke.ca)

or USherbrooke.ca/ssp for COOP internship in pharmacology